
If you're unaware, dungeon23 is a challenge to create one room of a dungeon each day of 2023 (I haven't kept up very well) but I'm still gonna try anyway. This dungeon is built for the Mork Borg system though it could be adapted for other fantasy ttrpgs. If an area is left without a map, that means I'm working on one right now :3

catchup 23/01/23

I have been puttong off dungeon23 because of an issue with my PC, so today I'm gonna try and catch up by designing 23 new rooms!

Level A:Area 1:Galleon

The innards of a forgotten slave ship


smells of mould, wooden floors crack if too much weight is placed in one spot, dim greenish lantern provides some faint light

A half troll guards prisoners (the players are among these). He is asleep but will be awoken by significant noise. The PC's are without their starting equipment and infected

(Infected:No healing when resting, take d6 damage each day)

Half troll guard: hp:5, Morale:4, Thick hide: -d2


the scent of grease, full of dull knives, commotion can be heard beyond the door

test agility dr12 when walking accros or take d2 damage from falling knives

treasure:butcher knife:d3 damage and target tests toughness dr10 or become infected


Full of people, most half troll or half fish, air smells of salt, surfaces are slimy, The sky is blocked out by the roof of a collosal stone cavern.